Wednesday, January 28, 2009


7 anos depois. Estava muito muito frio. Caminhei com a Nobuko pela North Pearl e viramos a esquerda na State St. La estava o Jack's do outro lado da rua, quase a chegar ao cruzamento. O restaurante que escolhi por causa das nostalgias desiludiu-me. Salvaram-me as ameijoas cherrystone...



Love is on sale!

You Can't Buy Love...
But a subscription to
sure does help.
25% Off Helps Even More

Que tal? Esta publicidade e engenhosa e
economicamente correcta - em tempo de crise
e urgente poupar. Ate nos sites de online dating!
Os saldos estao ai!!

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Friday, January 23, 2009

Na mesma semana, dois eventos historicos

Muitos parabens Geron!
E isto e so o principio da revolucao...

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Thursday, January 22, 2009

Nao resisto!

O Hugo e que encontrou!

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Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Blog overdose

Leopardo acaimado, domado, finalmente docil, casa limpa, posts arrumados.
Por hoje chega.

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Loved it still...still high on laughter

Mais um post descongelado. Deste lembro-me! A fase histerica...

Ontem foi o baptismo de "Blues dancing", a (re)descoberta que posso ter inveja ate dos meus amigos e confessar a falha, ouvir pela 4a vez um tercio que me fez dar saltinhos de excitacao parva "see? the guy is really really a loser" e last but not least, no...I "tink", I really "tink" that this is it. Dance is the antidote to everything that is not good. However, make no mistake about it, melhor sozinho/a que mal acompanhado/a. O que nao foi o caso. Eram amigos/as, estranhos/as, altos/as, baixos/as, stick your butt out .

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Cardiac muscle progenitors plus a dash of cytokines, anyone?

Estava a limpar o caixa dos posts e reparei que ha alguns que ainda estao em formato de rascunho...numa especie de limbo ou vida suspensa, criopreservada (esta da criopreservacao lembra-me outras coisas). Alguns ha meses, outros ha anos (menos de 3). Nao sei se merecem ver a luz nova do leopardo mas nao os consigo apagar...

So my dear, here we are, missing something we had before or something that we never had but believe to be the sort of paradise we deserve and absolutely need, kind of like oxygen.
Isn’t life funny, funny in a fucked up kind of way? That we find ourselves stumbling, struggling to believe that love is still a possibility, that life is still beautiful and that a friend’s smile or a friend’s touch is the closest thing to the feeling of true love? I once told M. that, for some reason (not sure why I can be deserving of such emotional survival skills), every time I lost love, somehow there was always a little piece of heart tissue leftover to regenerate what had been lost to pain and disappointment. As if even my little love muscle is whispering softly, "well, there is still hope, I am with you for the long run and I still have lots of space for new feelings, trust me." I guess that in the midst of sadness, I truly believe that "better things will surely come my [our] way" (Massive attack and Tracy Thorn, "Better things").

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L. Pasteur

Chance favors the prepared mind


Tuesday, January 20, 2009


O "Dunas" dos GNR (sorriso)...isso mesmo. Via Latina, nem vou contar os anos (outro sorriso).
Tocou na passagem do ano que teimaste em nao passar comigo.

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Monday, January 19, 2009


Ele tambem e o meu presidente. Por varias razoes validas e independentemente de chocar o tio quadrado.

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A cinemateca em casa

"Well, Pa, a woman can change better'n a man. A man lives sorta - well, in jerks. Baby's born or somebody dies, and that's a jerk. He gets a farm or loses it, and that's a jerk. With a woman, it's all in one flow, like a stream - little eddies and waterfalls - but the river, it goes right on. Woman looks at it thata way."

The grapes of wrath, John Steinbeck
(Screenplay by Nunnally Johnson)

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Wednesday, January 14, 2009

"I could get used to you"

De todos os piropos possiveis (o universo finito do possivel, claro esta) os oriundos de African-Americans sao os mais creativos ou mais coloridos ou os mais surpreendentes. Venha o diabo e escolha.


Saturday, January 10, 2009

Feliz Ano Novo

Depois do tsunami, as aguas voltam a estar calmas. So umas marolinhas para nao nos esquecermos que estamos vivos e que queremos algo mais para 2009. Quanto as coisas que nao mudam porque sao boas, quero-as todas. Todinhas.
E mainada.
