Monday, March 12, 2007

Lunch chat

Entre dentadas na tosta de galinha e golinhos de iced-tea ia ouvindo a conversa que nem tinha sido comecada por mim - nao tenho intimidade para perguntar sobre a vida (deveras atribulada) dela. "In the last 6 months I went to hell and back at least 20 times. But things are getting better, I started dating this guy, we went steady for 2 months and then he said there was too much stress in my life, that he couldn't deal. We separated for a few weeks and now we are exactly where we were before we split: in bed. I always end up in bed with him". Disse esta ultima frase como se "end up in bed with him" fosse algo capaz de suscitar olhares "de lado". Ca para mim pensei que ha sitios piores para "end up" com um gajo...por ordem crescente de gravidade, prisao, numa relacao sem futuro, num casamento sem amor, num casamento sem amor com filhos.


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